The Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium - Scientific and Data Coordinating Center (PLUS-SDCC) coordinates transdisciplinary research for a consortium of eight universities, whose investigators represent over 40 disciplines and specialties. The goal of PLUS is to determine biological and behavioral factors that can lead to lower urinary tract symptoms and related illnesses in order to find ways to prevent progression to clinical symptoms and more serious complications.
Mission: Through its transdisciplinary approach, PLUS is creating new conceptual models and paradigms, developing innovative measures, establishing evidence, advancing knowledge, leading and seeding research on bladder health and LUTS prevention. We seek to develop the evidence base to empower women and their communities to advocate for the environment they live and work in to support healthy bladders. Together, these efforts will pave the way to improve the quality of life of girls and women across the life course.
Vision: Dedicated to making healthy bladders a priority for women and girls.